Personal information protection policy

Date of Enactment July 13, 2020

Date of Last Revision April 1, 2022

SivanS Corporation
Representative Director Sivan Nakamura

SivanS is fully aware of its social mission regarding the protection of all personal information handled by SivanS, and complies with all laws and regulations regarding the protection of the rights of individuals and personal information. In addition, we hereby declare that we have established a personal information protection management system to embody the following policy, and that we will make company-wide efforts to continuously improve the system while always being aware of the latest IT technology trends, changes in social demands, and fluctuations in the business environment.

  1. Personal information is used for production related to branding of various companies. Planning, production, and design of advertisements, magazines, catalogs, and other printed materials, as well as websites. We will acquire, use, and provide personal information only to the extent necessary for our legitimate business operations in the planning, production, organization, and entertainment of various events, and for the employment and personnel management of our employees, and will not handle personal information beyond the extent necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use (use for purposes other than those specified). We will also take measures to ensure that personal information is not used for purposes other than those specified.
  2. We will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms related to the protection of personal information.
  3. To prevent the risk of leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, we will continuously improve our personal information security system by injecting management resources that match the actual conditions of our business in order to prevent such risks by taking reasonable security measures. In addition, we will promptly take corrective measures if any problems are found in the protection of personal information.
  4. We will respond promptly, sincerely, and appropriately to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information.
  5. The personal information protection management system will be reviewed in a timely and appropriate manner in light of changes in the environment surrounding our company, and improvements will be made on an ongoing basis.

Contact for Inquiries

Inquiries regarding our personal information protection policy should be directed to the following contact:

〒150-0002 Tokyo, Shibuya-ku
3-9-9 Shibuya, Tokyo Tatemono Shibuya Bldg. 8F
SivanS K.K. Personal Information Inquiry Desk

E-mail address:

TEL: 03-6812-9491
(Office hours: weekdays 10:00-19:00)

Handling of Personal Information

(1) Purposes of use of personal information obtained directly from the person in writing (including personal information obtained through websites, e-mails, etc.)

(2) Purposes of use of personal information obtained by methods other than those described in the preceding paragraph.

Purposes of use

Personal Customer Information
To support users / To manage usage history / To provide information on our services / To respond to inquiries

Information for the person in charge of
your business partner

To confirm order details
(e.g., correspondence records)

Personal information entrusted to us by our customers in the course of our outsourced business
Personal information entrusted to us

To properly perform the relevant work entrusted to us

Information provided by job sites and staffing agencies. Information on job applicants provided by job sites and staffing agencies
For personnel recruitment activities (document screening, interview, evaluation, screening of documents, interview, evaluation, contact with applicants, etc.)

Dissemination of matters concerning retained personal data

With regard to requests from the individual or his/her representative for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as “Request for Disclosure, etc.”) of retained personal data or records of provision to a third party held by the Company, the Company will respond as follows The following is the procedure for handling such requests.

  1. Name of business operator
SivanS Co.
  2. Personal Information Protection Manager
    Administrator Name: Satomi Uchimura
    Department: Back Office Team
    Contact: TEL 03-6812-9491
  3. Purpose of use of all retained personal data:

    Purposes of use

    Personal Customer Information
    To support users / To manage usage history / To provide information on our services / To respond to inquiries

    Information for the person in charge ofyour business partner
    To confirm order details(e.g., correspondence records)

    Employee Information
    Human resource management, work management, and health management of employees,
    Security management

    Information on applicants for employment with our company
    To contact applicants for employment and to manage the Company's recruitment operations

    Personally identifiable information
    For the purposes of use stipulated in the Number Utilization Law

  4. Contact for complaints regarding handling of retained personal data:

    〒150-0002 Tokyo, Shibuya-ku
3-9-9 Shibuya, Tokyo Tatemono Shibuya Bldg. 8F

    SivanS K.K. Personal Information Inquiry Desk

    E-mail address: 

    TEL: 03-6812-9491

    (Office hours: weekdays 10:00-19:00)
  5. Authorized Personal Information Protection
    Organization Japan Information Processing
    Development Corporation (JIPDEC)
  6. Procedures for Requests for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data or Records Provided to Third Parties
    a) Where to Make Requests for Disclosure, etc. Please contact the Personal Information Inquiry Desk above to make such requests.
If you wish to request disclosure, etc. through electromagnetic procedures, please let us know. In principle, we will process your request according to your wishes.

    b) Procedures for Requests for Disclosure, etc. 

    ① After receiving your request, we will send you by mail the prescribed request form “Request Form for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data” for your use.

    ② Please send the completed request form, documents verifying that the request is made by a representative, and a postal money order for the fee (only for requests for notification of purpose of use and disclosure) to the Personal Information Inquiry Desk above.

    ③ After receiving the above request form, we will inquire about two items of personal information registered with us (e.g., telephone number and date of birth, etc.) to confirm the identity of the individual.
In principle, a response will be sent in writing (by sealed envelope) to the person in question.

    (c) In the case of a request by a proxy, materials confirming the identity of the proxy If the person requesting disclosure, etc. is a proxy, please enclose materials certifying that the person is a proxy and materials certifying that the proxy is the person him/herself.
The information on the place of legal domicile included in each document should be limited to the prefecture of origin, and any information after that should be blacked out or otherwise processed.
Please send us documents that do not include your personal number, or black out all the digits.

    ① Documents proving that the applicant is a representative: (In the case of a representative authorized by the principal to make a request for disclosure, etc.): The principal's letter of attorney (original) (In the case of a legal representative of a minor): Any copy of the principal's family register, certificate of residence (with a record of the relationship), or other official document confirming the right of legal representative (In the case of a legal representative of an adult ward): The principal's letter of attorney (original). 

    ② Documents proving the agent's identity: Driver's license, passport, health insurance card (Please submit the card with all digits of the symbol, number, etc. of the insured person inked in), certificate of residence.

    (d) Fee for notification of purpose of use or request for disclosure (If the request is made in writing, please enclose a postal money order with the request form, etc. to be sent. If you wish to make a request by other means, we will consult with you at the time of your request.
  7. System for handling personal data and measures taken 

(a) Formulation of basic policy To ensure proper handling of personal data, the Company has formulated a “Personal Data Protection Policy” regarding “compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.” and “contact point for handling questions and complaints”.

    (b) Establishment of Rules for Handling Personal Data For each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., personal data protection rules have been established for handling methods, responsible persons/persons in charge, and their duties, etc.
    (c) Organizational Safety Control Measures

(c) Organizational Safety Control Measures

    ① In addition to appointing a person responsible for the handling of personal data, the Company clarifies the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees, and has established a system for reporting to the person responsible in the event that a fact or indication of a violation of law or handling rules is detected.

    ② Periodic self-inspections are conducted on the status of personal data handling, and audits are conducted by other departments and outside parties.

    (d) Personnel security control measures

    ① Regular training is provided to employees on matters to be noted concerning the handling of personal data.
    ② All employees are required to submit a written pledge regarding confidentiality of personal data.

    (e) Physical Safety Control Measures

    ① In areas where personal data is handled, access control for employees and restrictions on equipment, etc. that they may bring in are implemented, and measures are taken to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.

    ② Measures are taken to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle personal data, and measures are taken to prevent personal data from being easily identified when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are carried, including during transportation within the business site.

    (f) Technical safety control measures

    ① Access control is implemented to limit the scope of persons in charge and the personal information database, etc. handled.

    ② A system is in place to protect the information system handling personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.